Our Mission

to provide the highest quality medical care and compassion to our patients, through experience, understanding and continuing medical education

30 Years Experience Servicing The Goodna Area

Local Knowledge... Local Training... Local Contacts.

With 3 decades of experience working with the Ipswich and West Moreton district health services, our doctors and staff have extensive resources to access local and district health services that patients require for all their health needs.

Access to local Public and Private Hospital services (Ipswich General Hospital , St. Andrews Private Hospital) through direct referral.
Extensive knowledge of and working relationships with local specialists.

Local Pathology and Xray within short distance.
Community Health.
Full range of access to Aged care , Dietetics, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Community Nursing and Assistance services.

Quality Standard

Since its inception over 12 years ago, our practice has been fully accredited to the high standards as set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

For New Patients

Practice Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:30AM - 12:30PM
2:00PM - 5:00PM
Phone 3447 0009 For An Appointment
Speak to our friendly reception staff to arrange an appointment. We will ask you for some basic details over the phone.Further details will be required at the time of your appointment.
Billing And Fees
Medicare Bulk Billing is available.
Administration Fees apply for some consultations.
DVA Patients - Full Bulk Billing (no fees apply)
Please discuss billing and charges with our reception staff at the time of making your appointment.
Personal Medical Information
Please bring with you all your medical information (Medications, allergies etc.) that you have available, as well as contact details for any previous doctors that have cared for you so that we can obtain your previous medical records if required.